I’m honored!


Good Afternoon! I returned home today from a very busy day and was so honored when I logged onto my WordPress account to see I have been nominated for another award! This reminds me, I forgot to accept the one I was nominated for last week, hope I can still do that!

I want to thank Haley at ifyougiveablondeakitchen.wordpress.com  so very much for nominating me! Haley has a wonderful blog that I really enjoy reading and I love her not only because her blog rocks but because she’s a fellow blonde (probably more natural than me!) and fellow Native New Englander! Please go check out Haley’s blog soon and follow along her kitchen adventures, you will be glad you did!

I just love WordPress. When I first started my blog two years ago this month, I had no idea what I was doing! I had never blogged before, was not too bright with technology as far as building a blog etc (I’m so excited that last year I finally figured out what a widget is!) and was just doing this to keep an on line recipe book of what I love to make and to keep up with other bloggers doing the same and sharing that love! Over the past year I have gained many followers and started blogging consistently and feel incomplete if too many days go by and I have not put up a new post. I LOVE getting comments and likes and I truly adore when someone likes me enough to follow me, whether it be via the follow button on WP or through signing up on my email link on my page or if it’s on Instagram, Pinterest or FaceBook. It makes you feel reassured that what you are putting out there is catching interest and that people care enough to want to know what you are going to be doing next! I have many goals for this upcoming year, so please follow along with me here and all over social media. I LOVE Social Media!

Being a blogger makes you gain so many “friends”. Though you never usually meet them in person, you feel that bond like you really know them. I wish success and the best to my fellow blogging friends! Here are 10 bloggers who I am nominating who I look forward to following along with on a regular basis and who I love seeing new posts come up from!

{Main St. Cuisine}











For the nominees: Here are the rules for the Award, but as always, participation is of course voluntary.

  1. Ping back to the person who gave you the Award
  2. Display the Award
  3. Nominate 10 people you look to as almost Family here on Word Press

Thank you again Haley at http://ifyougiveablondeakitchen.wordpress.com! I appreciate all of my readers, followers and fellow bloggers!


13 thoughts on “I’m honored!

  1. Hi Meagen! Congratulations and thank-you so much for nominating me! Honestly, WordPress is just like a family and I am having so much fun following you and all the other awesome bloggers at WP!! Keep on cooking!!

  2. Pingback: Blog of the Year 2013 Award | More Food, Please

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