
Hey! I’m Meagen and I love food! I wake up in the morning thinking about what I will make for dinner! Luckily my husband shares the exact same love for food, there are very few things we won’t eat. Our kids, well, they are still a food work in progress, we are not sure where their pickiness came from in our genetics! I love good simple recipes because I’m a busy mom of 2 with a husband who works crazy hours so simple has to be a part of our lifestyle. I have no training or background in cooking but the older I get the more I love cooking, baking and creating. I decided to start this blog to share some of my recipes since I so often Facebook them anyways:-) I also wanted to start this blog to interact with other people who love food as my as Bill (my husband) and I do and to share recipes and get new ideas. I hope you enjoy my blog and try some of my recipes and I love comments and feedback so let me know what you think:-) Happy eating and creating:-)

Here are some random facts about me:

I LOVE coffee, and drink too much of it

I also LOVE white wine, especially sauvignon blanc

I owned my own hair salon in NH for 8 years, I’ve been a hairdresser for 13 years, but no longer practice since moving south

I have an online ebay store and that is how I make money these days while my husband, the nuclear engineer encourages me to stay home and be here for our busy monkies aka kids:-) I love my jobs, ebaying and being a mom! Visit my site ebay,com/Megz Gemz 4u

I have a crazy Shih Tzu who I love like a child!

I love photography, gardening and soaking up sun!

I love to hate and hate that I love exercise, but it allows me to eat!

I rarely survive a day without eating chocolate

I am spontaneous at times, a dreamer at heart and extremely driven

Am thankful for the beautiful, wonderful, chaotic, fulfilled life that God has given me and all the many blessings in it!

Want to know more, go ahead and ask and I just may answer! Enjoy my blog as I enjoy reading all of yours.

83 thoughts on “About

  1. Love your blog. I’m excited to see more posts since we have very similar interests (photography, gardening, food, simplicity). I see you used to live in NH. I’m in VT so I’ll send you some fall foliage love, which I am sure you miss (there I days I hate NE weather, but fall seems to erase all those bad memories).

    • Ahh thanks! I actually grew up in Southern VT(near Brattleboro) and then lived in NH where my husband is from and now we are AL! I love New England! But I am much more a warm weather person, here in North AL it really is gorgeous (minus tornados!), totally not what I pictured when we were first planning on moving here! I love your blog as well by the way!

    • It very well could be!! I appreciate you coming by my blog as well, I really enjoyed yours and will keep following!

  2. My husband (the jerk) told me to look up your blog, then mentioned that the crust on the banana bread is delicious! 😉 He just started working with Bill recently. Oh, and I got a really awesome lemon&blueberry cupcake sometime last week (do your days run together too?), so I wanted to say thanks! Maybe we can get together sometime 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for checking out my little blog. I am so excited to try some of your recipes, especially the Brie stuffed chicken, it sounds wonderful!

  4. Hi! Thanks for liking a post I did. I checked yours out now. Really interesting! I’m amazed at all the things you could do. I’m so going to read your posts beginning today and wish, sometime soon, that 1) I’d have a lot of great moments creating and making stuff, 2) I’d be able to try out the stuff you’re doing! The meatloaf with the potatoes looks so… argh. I hate this feeling! We also have the same interests and I think it’s a really good thing. Here’s to our love for food, and for the simply good life! Cheers!

    • You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well and for following along! I appreciate that and look forward to seeing your as well:-) I hope you can try out some of my recipes, if you do, let me know how they turn out and what you think!

  5. Great blog honey:-)
    Your style is very much like my own. Look forward to sharing recipes with you
    Amie x

    • Thank you and thanks so much for visiting my blog! I looked at yours real briefly since I’m in the middle of prepping tonights dinner, but yours looks great and I can’t wait to check it out more later!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Coffee lovers unite! I look forward to trying some of your recipes, and no worries about the picky eating. My girls are now 15 and 17 and love all kinds of crazy things (including eel) as I stayed the course…

    • You have a great blog, glad to have found it:-) Thanks for visiting mine as well! Yes, coffee lovers unite, my husband and I are coffee obsessed!!!!! I hope you get to try some of my recipes, and, thanks for the encouragement on the picky eaters! The 13 year old is making some strides, so every little new thing he will try is huge!

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my culinary (photography) posts! From one busy mother to another -keep up the good work, do what you enjoy doing. Being passionate about photography/food/food photography has really filled in some of the ’emptiness’ in my days, as I’m sure it did for you too.

    • Thanks for coming by my blog too! You have a great blog and your passion in photography really shows! I have been slacking in mine, I love photography and all the random things and moments that can be captured! It is very theraputic, that is how I find cooking as well! I know what you mean about taking these things that we love in life and letting them help you through empty times! I look forward to following along your blog!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog today! I, too, love and drink too much coffee! I also love and drink too much sauvignon blanc! LOL I always say if I’m not talking about food, I’m cooking it and if I’m not cooking it, I’m dreaming about it. Doing my best to raise two little foodies as well 🙂

    • Thanks for visiting mine as well! Wow, we sound very much alike, I love my Sauvignon blanc too! Do your little foodies eat well because mine do NOT! It’s getting better as they get older, but my husband and I live to eat and we are not too picky! I’m happy to have found your blog and I look forward to following along!

      • My little foodies have been known to turn up their little noses. But it has to be something extreme for them to bypass the 5 bite minimum rule. But I agree, as they get older they are at least more willing! I don’t know how we got to the point in the US, to “water down” food for kids. You go out and the options are chicken nuggets, Mac n cheese, cheese pizza, and hamburger. I don’t believe they do that in other countries. Yes, I adjust spice with them in mind, but what is on my plate is on your plate and we’re all eating it. Just keep plugging away and they will get there!

      • Mine are 5 and 6. They seemed to go through a phase, kind at the age of your oldest, where they were very picky eaters. Even for my 5 year old, Daniela, and she will eat anything. But it really does get better, trust me. And I’m so happy when I hear other moms feeding their kids actual food, and insisting they at least try it!

    • You are so sweet! I really truly appreciate that! I would love to accept this nomination but I see that it says it’s for blogs with 200 or less followers?! I have more than that so I don’t know that I should do it! I really want to, but I think I would be breaking the rules! What a bummer! Well, I’m glad I have followers, but ya know what I mean!

      • Oops!! I had a hard time telling how many followers some people had. If you would like, send me a blog under 200 followers that you would nominate and I can switch it with yours. Congrats anyway haha and take care!

  9. Hi Meagen, thank you for checking out my blog post today. I love your blog title and will be checking out some of your recipes!

  10. Hi Meagen, I’m so happy you liked my post and even happier to find your blog! I’m a coffee and chocolate lover too. Looking forward to seeing you posts.

  11. Thank you for being one of the first people to “like” my new blog. I was so excited to see a response! 🙂 I’m just getting started and it is such a fun outlet! (busy mom of 6) I look forward to following you!

    • You are welcome! I am so happy to have you follow my blog, thank you so much! I look forward to following yours too, you have some great recipes on yours as well! Happy New Year, here’s to great food!

  12. Hi Meagen, found your blog today and I’m awed by the number and versatility of your posts. I have a passion for baking too 🙂 Looking forward to your posts…

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